The perfect planet turns unsustainable|climate change|global warming|ecosystem calls for sustainability
"Each year you sleep,
you are one step closer to becoming extinct."
Isn't this true? I personally think that it is the closest one can get to the truth. The Earth, approximately 4.5 billion years old, has since forever provided us with everything. Infact, what I believe is that the only reason we are alive today is because our Mother Earth has been so compassionate to provide us with oxygen to inhale, water to drink, trees for food, theirs shade for comfort, the sun for heat and light.
I have not known a single moment, from the olden times, when there wasn't a sustainability maintained between the ecosystem and human race. The forests were lush and green and the Earth was alive with the chirping of the birds, the roars of the lions, the sights of our long gone dinosaurs, the gushing of the fresh rivers, the sight of vast glaciers and a happy and content human population. There was a time when endless jungles covered the land as the waves of a wind ruffled sea cover it's shell paved floor, but that time has long since passed away with the greatness of humanity which is now but a mournful memory.
I will not reproach a particular community or nation for the environmental imbalance that has been created because, we all are to blame for it. We all have knowingly or unknowingly contributed towards the ill being of the ecosystem. But now that we know, that our actions are causing so much of difficulties to our Mother Earth, we should stop them.
This planet has never asked of us for anything; it has always given us all that it could, but now is the time to repay the debt. "A friend in need is a friend in deed." So now is the time to help and support, "our friend for eternity". There are so many climatic changes happening all around the globe. We need to understand that what we are doing to this planet, now, will cost the future generations their lives.
We cannot afford to waste and contaminate non renewable resources like trees, water and oxygen. They are too precious to not care about. We don't want our children and their children to blame us , for realising and even then not taking any action against the ecosystem imbalance, while we could.
We must understand that this is a golden chance..a last chance..we will not get it again no matter how much ever we regret and yearn for it later on. We are being given this last opportunity to save this planet and we all should put in our sweat and blood to make the best and most out of this chance. If we ignore it now, then I am afraid to say , but I honestly feel we must then face the wrath of nature. We have so many things we can do even while sitting in our cozy little homes.
1.Dont waste electricity or fossil fuels. You can opt for car pooling and public transport or cycles which will reduce the carbon emission and use of diesel and petrol.
2.Wastage of water should be prevented to every extent. We can go for "Rain water harvesting" and save water.
3. Grow plant in your homes which essentially provide oxygen; like neem tree[Indian lilac], peepal tree [Sacred fig], snake plant and aloe vera plant. they not only provide oxygen in great amounts but most of them are also exceptional medicines.
4.The air conditioners should be used only when necessary as they emit a very big amount of CFC [chlorofluorocarbon] gas, which directly harms the environment in an unimaginable way.
We have to save this planet because there is no planet B even if you believe so. (Because if there is no Earth how are we going to be alive?... and if we aren't living who's gonna create this planet"B"!? )
We know we can do it. We can't give up even before even starting to put efforts, in sorting out the mess we've made of the environment.We need to fight and speak for our future and for trees and rivers and forests and animals because they don't have tongues like we do!
I am requesting each one who of you who is reading this blog to forward it to everyone you know in your contact list. And don't just forward it but also implement yourself, and make sure others too implement and practice, the ways ways of "conservation of earth". Because now the time for slogans and speeches is over.Now is the time to take action.Even the purpose of my blog will not be accomplished until we are able to make a difference and successfully sustain our ecosystem.
Let us be a little more human. Let us show a little more compassion and we can change the lives of everyone for the better. Because I think we now understand that how each year that we are sleeping, is taking us one step closer to becoming extinct.
Let us strive together to make this world a better place to live! 🙏🙏🙏
Let me know your suggestions and thoughts about our current environmental situation in the comments. And don't forget to follow and subscribe to my blog and my page on Instagram for updates .
Don't let this chain break!
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